Station House access for all

Station House patrons Vivienne Lyons, Julie Coulson, Rita Di Pietrantonio and Dawn Jeffery with Nicky Condello and Cr Maria McCarthy at the new access ramp for Mount Evelyn Station Hous. 142453 Picture: VICTORIA STONE-MEADOWS


THE MOUNT Evelyn Station House has received a brand new access ramp for disabled patrons and parents with prams.
The old access ramp at the front of the building was deemed too steep and dangerous to use by those that need it most.
The shortfall of the old ramp was brought to council’s attention by local library users Vivienne Lyons and Jim Humphries.
The new ramp has been built to comply with current access standards and provides direct access into the Station House.
Mount Evelyn Station House manager Nicky Condello said the new ramp was a great addition to the building.
“The community have really embraced it and it has created a definite traffic flow through the station house,” she said.
She also said it was a great project for everyone involved, from the patrons of the Station House through to the contractors that built the ramp.
“It was a really good collective community effort. A completely positive experience from start to finish,” she said.
Yarra Ranges Mayor Maria McCarthy said anything that made life a bit easier for people with a disability was worth an investment from council.
“You can take things like this for granted when you’re able bodied.”
“It’s been really great to listen to the community and respond to their needs,” Cr McCarthy said.